Your support funds a centre in Pattaya helping women and girls affected by exploitation, sexual violence and trafficking.
The Women’s Centre supports women working in bars in Pattaya. The staff offer individual counselling and health education to women and girls, some as young as 15, affected by exploitation, sexual violence and trafficking.
60% of the women work in the sex industry and most come from remote villages in north and north-eastern Thailand.
At the centre, the women and girls can access:
- Health education and support through talks and workshops on women’s health, the distribution of leaflets on sexually transmitted diseases and the provision of blood tests.
- Counselling and individual and group therapy sessions, to promote mental wellbeing and address psycho-social issues
- Legal help and advice, for instance in order to secure ID documents and
- be accompanied on visits to hospitals or to health specialists
The centre also works closely with the Public Prosecutors office, which is able to offer regular meetings with the women, offering advice and guidance which would otherwise not be available
“The centre never looks down on women, it’s about empowerment, giving energy and self-confidence.”
The centre also provides basic literacy training for the girls who haven’t completed primary education and vocational training. This gives them the chance to find alternative work and support themselves