Mint is a 10-year-old girl who lives with quadriplegic cerebral palsy. She is currently supported by one of Safe Child Thailand’s partners operating in and around Bangkok. Mint was first visited by our partner at her home eight years ago, where she spent all day in bed. She wasn’t able to move on her own, and could not sit unaided. Her muscles and body were almost totally rigid, as she had received no physiotherapy.
Over the past eight years, Mint has been visited by a physiotherapist at her home every week to give her the physiotherapy she needs. Mint can now move her arms and legs, and her muscles are no longer rigid. She can sit on a special chair if she has someone to help her get in and out, and she is now much more flexible at the waist.
Mint’s house used to be unsuitable for the use of a wheelchair, meaning her only option was to stay at home in bed. Mint’s family were able to connect with our partners to borrow money interest-free, which allowed them to improve their house. Our partner supported Mint’s family with the necessary materials, and helped build a new toilet for her house.
These small improvements have made a huge difference to Mint’s quality of life. Thanks to your generosity Safe Child Thailand can support children just like Mint.